There is a reason people backup data – so they don’t lose it. I have some other stuff I want to get done so I am not going to call Accu-Chek about this until next week, but I am really disappointed in this software if they put a backup/restore function in there and it doesn’t work. When I tried to import that, it only contained one record. I did another export in the file type it needs to import. I then tried to import the file back, but of course, the file type was different than the one for Excel. I was able to pull it into Excel, but would obviously have to spend time creating formulas to get averages and stuff like my standard deviation. Since he mentioned exporting it to Excel, I created an export file.

I again tried to do a restore and that did not work – same message. I decided to download my meter and backed that up. I had an error message that parts of the backup file were not found. I then went to the restore feature and guess what – I was not able to restore my backup. Once the software loaded and he opened it, I said that I would be able to take it from there getting everything setup how I wanted it. By that point, I had been on the phone for awhile with him so did not ask what he meant by the backup not working right. He also mentioned being able to export data into Excel but it looks kind of crappy. He told me that the backup doesn’t really work right. While we were waiting, I mentioned that the one thing I liked better about the old software was the fact that when you closed it, it would ask you if you wanted to backup first. He tapped into my computer and tried to change some of the settings but ended up having to uninstall both the SQL Server software and the Accu-Chek 360° software. I called Accu-Chek again and spent over an hour on the phone with the technician. There was a repair function on the install disk so I tried to do that – I got a different error this time and it had to do with the SQL Server software that Accu-Chek uses.

The other night, I downloaded a Windows update and that messed up several things on my computer so my guess is that is what happened to the Accu-Chek software also. This morning, I went to open the software so I could download my meter and it would not open. The software came last week and I was able to load it without any problems. Besides the Windows issue, the new computer does not have a serial port so I was not able to hook-up the cable that went with the Compass software. My Accu-Chek Compass software no longer worked so I called Accu-Chek and they sent me the Accu-Chek 360° software. When my computer crashed the other week, I had to get a new computer.